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North America's leader in home inspection training 605-427-2908

Massachusetts Home Inspector School Online

home inspector license requirements

Massachusetts Home Inspector License Requirements

The home inspection profession is regulated in Massachusetts, and PHII's home inspector certification can help you get started! Massachusetts requires new home inspectors to complete several steps before applying for a home inspector license. Follow the path below to become a licensed home inspector in Massachusetts.

PHII's home inspector classroom course meets the pre-license education requirements for inspectors in Massachusetts. The state requires 75 hours of Education Training Credits which must be completed in a classroom setting- no online or distance courses are being approved at this time. PHII is an approved provider. The law requires the following:

Associate Inspector:

  1. High school or equivalent
  2. Assisted in at least 25 home inspections in the presence of a supervisor who is a licensed home inspector
  3. Complete 75 hours of Education Training Credit coursework
  4. Pass the National Home Inspector Examination (PHII's home inspection training course fully prepares you)
Licensed Inspector:
  1. High school or equivalent
  2. Engaged as an Associate Home Inspector for at least one year and performed at least 100 paid inspections under the presence of a supervisor who is a licensed home inspector
  3. Passed the National Home Inspectors Exam.

State Board:
Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Div. Of Professional Licensure
239 Causeway Street
Boston, MA 02114
Board of Home Inspectors
(617) 727-4459

Approved: Yes

Training Provider:
Professional Home Inspection Institute
1533 NW 2nd St, Madison, SD 57042
Toll Free 605-427-2908

Mold Inspection Websites

North American Association of Home Inspectors (AHI)

Free AHI Membership for Massachusetts Home Inspector Graduates
As a gold-level AHI-accredited training provder, PHII can offer all Massachusetts home inspection course graduates a free $289 membership in the North American Association of Home Inspectors (AHI), a national non-profit professional home inspector association.

Office Hours 8am - 8pm CST Mon-Fri, 9am - 1pm Sat. Call 605-427-2908


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